glySpace Clients

The glyspace module provides an API for interacting with GlyTouCan and UnicarbKB. The interaction may be done by executing prepared SPARQL queries through the provided methods, executing user-provided SPARQL queries, RDF Graph-operation supported by RDFLib, or using RDF-object mapping via get() and related methods.

The module contains a pre-created instance of GlyTouCanRDFClient named glytoucan_client whose GlyTouCanRDFClient.get(), GlyTouCanRDFClient.structure(), GlyTouCanRDFClient.from_taxon(), and GlyTouCanRDFClient.structures_with_motif() methods are available as top-level functions of the module. There is also a UnicarbKBRDFClient object called unikarbkb_client ready to use.

RDF Namespaces that are pre-created

NSGlyTouCan = Namespace("")
NSGlycan = Namespace("")
NSGlycoinfo = Namespace("")
NSGlycomeDB = Namespace("")
NSSKOS = Namespace("")
NSUniprotCore = Namespace("")
NSUniprotEntity = Namespace("")
NSTaxonomy = Namespace("")

RDF Graph Clients

RDF-Object Mapping Components