Source code for

A parser for :title-reference:`GlycoCT{XML}` format.

This module provides a simple parser for GlycoCT XML. It has fewer
features than :mod:``, and does not support writing.

It is included for historical purposes.
# pragma: no cover

from operator import itemgetter
from collections import defaultdict
from glypy.utils import opener, StringIO, ET
from glypy.utils.multimap import OrderedMultiMap
from glypy.structure import monosaccharide, substituent, link
from glypy.structure.glycan import Glycan
from .format_constants_map import (anomer_map, superclass_map,
                                   link_replacement_composition_map, modification_map)
from .tree_builder_utils import try_int
from .file_utils import ParserError

basetype_unpacker = itemgetter("id", "anomer", "superclass", "ringStart", "ringEnd")


[docs]class GlycoCTXMLError(ParserError): pass
class GlycoCTXMLSectionUnsupported(GlycoCTXMLError): pass
[docs]class GlycoCTXML(object): '''Parse :title-reference:`GlycoCT{XML}` text data into |Glycan| objects. The parser implements the :class:`Iterator` interface, yielding successive glycans from a text stream separated by empty lines. ''' @classmethod def loads(cls, glycoct_str): '''Parse results from |str|''' rep = StringIO(glycoct_str) return cls(rep) def __init__(self, stream, structure_class=Glycan): self.graph = {} self.state = START self.handle = opener(stream, "r") self.counter = 0 self.repeats = {} self.buffer = defaultdict(list) self.root = None self._iter = None self.structure_class = structure_class def _reset(self): self.graph = {} self.buffer = defaultdict(list) self.root = None self.state = START def __iter__(self): ''' Calls :meth:`parse` and stores it for reuse with :meth:`__next__` ''' self._iter = self.parse() return self._iter def next(self): ''' Calls :meth:`parse` if the internal iterator has not been instantiated ''' if self._iter is None: iter(self) return next(self._iter) __next__ = next def _make_iterator(self): for evt, entity in ET.iterparse(self.handle, ("start", "end")): entity.tag = entity.tag.split("}")[-1] yield evt, entity def parse(self): for evt, entity in self._make_iterator(): if evt != "end": if entity.tag == "sugar": self.state = START elif entity.tag == 'residues': if self.state == START: self.state = RES else: raise GlycoCTXMLError("<residues> not the first section encountered") elif entity.tag == 'linkages': if self.state != RES: raise GlycoCTXMLError("<linkages> not following <residues>") elif entity.tag in {'repeat'}: raise GlycoCTXMLSectionUnsupported("<{}> section is not supported".format(entity.tag)) continue else: if entity.tag == "stemtype": self.buffer['stem'].append(entity.attrib['type'][1:]) self.buffer['configuration'].append(entity.attrib['type'][0]) elif entity.tag == "modification": self.buffer['modification'].append( (entity.attrib['type'], try_int(entity.attrib['pos_one']))) elif entity.tag == "basetype": id, anomer, superclass, ring_start, ring_end = basetype_unpacker(entity.attrib) superclass = superclass_map[superclass.upper()] anomer = anomer_map[anomer] id = int(id) modifications = OrderedMultiMap() mods = self.buffer.pop("modification", None) if mods is not None: for mod, pos in mods: modifications[pos] = modification_map[mod] is_reduced = "aldi" in modifications[1] if is_reduced: modifications.pop(1, "aldi") residue = monosaccharide.Monosaccharide( anomer=anomer, superclass=superclass, stem=self.buffer.pop('stem'), configuration=self.buffer.pop("configuration"), ring_start=ring_start, ring_end=ring_end, modifications=modifications, reduced=is_reduced, id=id) self.graph[id] = residue if self.root is None: self.root = residue elif entity.tag == "substituent": substituent_obj = substituent.Substituent(entity.attrib['name']) self.graph[int(entity.attrib['id'])] = substituent_obj elif entity.tag == "connection": parent_id = try_int(entity.attrib['parent']) child_id = try_int(entity.attrib['child']) parent_node = self.graph[parent_id] child_node = self.graph[child_id] link.Link( parent_node, child_node, parent_position=self.buffer.pop("parent_position"), child_position=self.buffer.pop("child_position"), parent_loss=self.buffer.pop('parent_loss'), child_loss=self.buffer.pop('child_loss'), id=self.buffer.pop('id')) elif entity.tag == "parent": self.buffer['parent_position'] = int(entity.attrib['pos']) elif entity.tag == "child": self.buffer['child_position'] = int(entity.attrib['pos']) elif entity.tag == "linkage": self.buffer["id"] = int(entity.attrib['id']) self.buffer["parent_loss"] = link_replacement_composition_map[entity.attrib['parentType']] self.buffer["child_loss"] = link_replacement_composition_map[entity.attrib['childType']] elif entity.tag == 'sugar': if self.root is not None: yield self.structure_class(self.root) self._reset() entity.clear()
[docs]def read(stream): ''' A convenience wrapper for :class:`GlycoCTXML` Parameters ---------- stream : file-like The text stream to parse structures from Returns ------- :class:`~.GlycoCTXML` ''' return GlycoCTXML(stream)
[docs]def load(stream, structure_class=Glycan, allow_multiple=True): """Read all structures from the provided text stream. Parameters ---------- stream : file-like The text stream to parse structures from structure_class : type, optional :class:`~.Glycan` subclass to use allow_multiple: bool, optional If :const:`False`, makes loading multiple structures an error. Returns ------- :class:`~.Glycan` or :class:`list` of :class:`~.Glycan` """ g = GlycoCTXML(stream, structure_class=structure_class) first = next(g) if not allow_multiple: return first second = None try: second = next(g) collection = [first, second] collection.extend(g) return collection except StopIteration: return first
[docs]def loads(text, allow_multiple=True): """Read all structures from the provided text string. Parameters ---------- text : str The text to parse structures from Returns ------- :class:`~.Glycan` or :class:`list` of :class:`~.Glycan` """ g = GlycoCTXML.loads(text) first = next(g) if not allow_multiple: return first second = None try: second = next(g) collection = [first, second] collection.extend(g) return collection except StopIteration: return first